Sims 3 vampire default skin replacement
Sims 3 vampire default skin replacement

As far as Nikita is concerned, that's the only difference: something superficial. Vampires are easily spotted by the red outline around their picture, as you can see in the screenshot to the right. While Nikita makes the call, let's take a look at Elvira's entry in her Relationships panel. AI-controlled vampires automatically shift their waking hours as well, so calling late - even calling after midnight - won't bother them. Sunlight isn't the death sentence for vampires that it was in The Sims 2, but it's still not very healthy for them. The next evening at about 6pm, she calls up Elvira and invites her over. Nikita stays awake longer and sleeps late, thus shifting her waking hours to better encompass the evening and night. They maintain contact even when they both go home, though they're still not yet friends. They're soon contacts, if not friends, but they continue to chat and have a good time during the night. Elvira is only a 2-star celebrity, so it doesn't take very long. She's also a celebrity, so Nikita has to impress her first. This is Elvira Slayer, and she doesn't have a skin condition: she's a vampire! Just at the door is a woman with yellowish skin and haunting eyes, as you can see in the screenshot. Nikita doesn't even have to go into the club proper to find what she needs. She gets into her formal attire once again, then heads out to Plasma 501 in the evening. To make sure she's got the energy for it, she takes an afternoon nap first so she'll have plenty of energy.

sims 3 vampire default skin replacement

Nikita needs to hit up a late night club, something other than Sports Zone.

Sims 3 vampire default skin replacement